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Understanding Preferred vs. Common Stock: Key Investment Differences


When you want to start investing into the stock market, you will be faced with two important types of stock to purchase, a preferred stock and a common stock. These two types of stock come with their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of respective risks. In this blog post, we will explore the key factors and differences that you might want to consider while deciding on whether to opt for a Preferred or Common Stock.

Explanation of Common Stock

What is Common Stock?

Owning a part of a firm can be a good investment, and in events where the firm profits, people who own a share of the company can receive dividends. When someone owns common stock, they can purchase a large quantity of that stock and have a single vote to pick board members who make key decisions with regards to the management of the company. Most of the time, common stock is what is bought and sold in the stock market as it has the possibility of providing capital gains and dividends.

Benefits and Risks of Common Stock

People enjoy putting their money into common stock as there is a good possibility for them to sell it for a larger price than they purchase it for. Since there is a high chance for common stock prices to increase, the returns for the stockholders can be substantial. However, in case of a liquidation, both common and preferred stockholders are at a disadvantage as they are last in line in comparison to bondowners and debt holders.

Insights About Preferred Stock

Understanding Preferred Stock Leasing

Preferred stock leasing provides ownership in preferred stock. It does not have voting rights in the company which can be different according to the company. The best thing about the preferred stocks compared to common stocks is the fixed rate on dividends which is paid out before any such payment is made to the common shareholders.

Benefits and Risks of Preferred Stock

Preferred stocks are great for dividends because they provide lower risk to investors. This is a great comfort for risk-averse investors, since it allows them to count on having a steady stream of income coming in every month from their investments. If a company declares bankruptcy preferred shareholders stand ahead in the line for assets over common shareholders. On the other hand, investors may not reap the benefits that common stock holders do as the price appreciation potential for preferred stock is extremely limited in comparison to common stocks.

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Preferred vs. Common Stock: Key Takeaway

Understanding Preferred Stocks Vs Common Stocks via Pension Payments

A distinct feature when looking at Preferred vs Common Stocks is the way people treat pension payments. Preferential stockholders receive dividend payments like common stockholders, but these dividends are usually guaranteed to these stockholders and are often set at a higher rate than that paid to common stockholders. Whereas common stock shareholders get variable dividends that can be increased or decreased at the end of the company year depending on how the company has performed.

Right to Vote

A common share gives the individual voting rights which allows them to manage and direct the company which is not always the case with the preferred shareholders. This distinction could also be important for investors who are willing to determine the company direction.

Rights to Convert

Some preferred stocks offer an option that allows investors to convert the security into common stock. This feature is not available with respect to common stock as it is already the most basic kind of stock.

Decision on Choosing Preferred or Common Stock

Strategic Decisions

The decision between Preferred vs. Common Stock should be formed in line with your decided strategies and goals. For persons that base activities on income and low risk, preferred stock may be the best option. Conversely, if such persons strive for growth and higher risk then the common stock may be in such situations more correct.

Economic Factors

At times of economic growth, common stock is the best and its opportunities for appreciation are quite substantial. During such times when the economy is uncertain, on the other hand, preferred stock can provide the best solution through its fixed dividends.


For an investor, grasping the concepts of Preferred vs. Common Stock is equally important for any investor. Investing needs vary and each of these types offers something unique to the investor in question. Depending on one’s financial goal and the risk appetite, one can determine which category of stock might be the best in a particular situation.

Learn More Through Free Resources

You could also combine what you’ve learned by taking free stock market courses online with a certificate or perhaps checking out a free webinar about stock markets. Furthermore, the Top 5 Online Stock Market Courses In India also aid in this as they detail plenty of information and ideas which can help you invest wisely.

Education is key in making any investment decision, and based on how educated one is, the kind of investments they take up also vary in returns.

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Date: Thursday, 13th February at 7:30PM IST
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